Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Belleville tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, given until April 2025 to vacate.
East York tenants face eviction for non-payment of rent, owe $14,153.51 to landlord.
Nepean tenant faces eviction for non-payment of $7,056 in rent, ordered to pay $4,845.35.
Landlord ordered to pay tenants $21,348 and $35,000 fine for serving N12 notice in bad faith.
Beaverton landlords win demolition case, tenant ordered to vacate by Dec 31 and pay $5,795.
Landlord wins Thorndale renovation case, tenant must vacate but has right to return.
Belleville tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, given until April 2025 to vacate.
East York tenants face eviction for non-payment of rent, owe $14,153.51 to landlord.
Nepean tenant faces eviction for non-payment of $7,056 in rent, ordered to pay $4,845.35.
Landlord ordered to pay tenants $21,348 and $35,000 fine for serving N12 notice in bad faith.
Beaverton landlords win demolition case, tenant ordered to vacate by Dec 31 and pay $5,795.
Landlord wins Thorndale renovation case, tenant must vacate but has right to return.
Belleville tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, given until April 2025 to vacate.
East York tenants face eviction for non-payment of rent, owe $14,153.51 to landlord.
Nepean tenant faces eviction for non-payment of $7,056 in rent, ordered to pay $4,845.35.
Landlord ordered to pay tenants $21,348 and $35,000 fine for serving N12 notice in bad faith.
Beaverton landlords win demolition case, tenant ordered to vacate by Dec 31 and pay $5,795.
Landlord wins Thorndale renovation case, tenant must vacate but has right to return.
Belleville tenants face eviction for landlord's personal use, given until April 2025 to vacate.
East York tenants face eviction for non-payment of rent, owe $14,153.51 to landlord.
Nepean tenant faces eviction for non-payment of $7,056 in rent, ordered to pay $4,845.35.
Landlord ordered to pay tenants $21,348 and $35,000 fine for serving N12 notice in bad faith.
Beaverton landlords win demolition case, tenant ordered to vacate by Dec 31 and pay $5,795.
Landlord wins Thorndale renovation case, tenant must vacate but has right to return.
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Reason for Relief
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Who Wins
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Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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